Retrospective Configuration

You can customize the Lessons Learned questions asked in retrospectives. To manage and reorder questions, go to Settings > Incidents > Retrospective configuration.

Questions Settings

Configuring a custom Lessons Learned question

Configuring a custom Lessons Learned question

Questions can have multiple types:

  • Text - Questions that are responded to with freeform text. These generally tend to be for more qualitative, write-up answers for storage and sometimes later analysis. The freeform text answers also support Markdown. See our Markdown guide.
  • Select - Answers are a dropdown selection. This is a valuable question type for questions for which there should be a specific answer to
  • Numeric - Answers are a numeric input.

In addition to the type of question, you can also mark specific fields as required. When a field is marked as required, a retrospective can not be completed and published without a value in that field.

Error message when attempting to publish a retro with missing required fields

Error message when attempting to publish a retro with missing required fields

Next Steps

  • Look at Configuring Incidents and see how you can tailor FireHydrant for your organization
  • See how the metrics and timestamps gathered during the incident yield our Analytics