AI-Drafted Retrospectives

Get a head start on learning from every incident with FireHydrant's AI-Drafted Retrospectives. This feature leverages AI to create detailed drafts for your retrospectives, incorporating essential incident insights and facilitating a focus on discussion and improvement.


Upon incident resolution, AI-Drafted Retrospectives generate a comprehensive draft that includes a structured overview of the incident, timelines, impacts, and preliminary Lessons Learned. These drafts are designed to kickstart your retrospective discussions, ensuring a thorough review and identification of actionable improvements.

Drafting a retrospective

When landing on the retrospective summary tab, you’ll be able to draft descriptions, customer impacts, and all lessons learned. It is as simple as clicking ‘Draft with AI’ to get started.

Drafted Content

Incorporating Custom Questions

The AI-generated retrospective drafts will include sections for the Lessons Learned, pre-populated with your customized questions, providing a structured framework for your team's discussion. This ensures that your retrospectives are focused, comprehensive, and aligned with your organizational goals