March 23, 2023

Introducing a new Declare Incident form for the web

Today, we're launching a fresh, new way to declare incidents in FireHydrant through our web app. You and your team can now quickly and efficiently kick off new incidents in FireHydrant, getting just the right amount of data for the incident when kicking it off.

This new form allows you to use incident types to add context, tags, services, and more to make sure that your most common types of incidents can be quickly declared.

Additionally, this new form has been slimmed down for the user, moving any non-required fields into an optional section at the bottom of the form, allowing your team members to add in the fields that they are confident about and ignoring the ones that they aren't sure about.

Check out the new Declare Incident form today by logging into FireHydrant and clicking the "Declare Incident" button in the top right corner (don't worry, you can look at the form without actually opening an incident). And as always, you can check out our docs to learn more about kicking off an incident.

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