Product Updates: Creating a New Runbook Just Got Easier with Templates
We've made some exciting updates to the platform that makes creating Runbooks easier for new users, we spoke at Hashitalks and Developer Week, plus completely updated our website!

By Dylan Nielsen on 2/26/2021

Fresh new features to try
Runbook templates: An easier way to automate your processes
Starting out with runbooks can be daunting, we've built a way to implement our best practices into a runbook that can be implemented in a single click. On top of this, there's now even more ways to attach runbooks to your incidents and a much easier way to test out the runbook that you're currently working on. Check it all out here.
Dig in deeper with filtering in analytics
While our analytics platform provided some initial ways to examine your incident data, we always wanted a way to surface even more relevant data from your historical incidents. Now you can! With analytic filtering, you can take the same conditional evaluation from runbooks and filter your analytics based on that. Check out some initial ideas and learn more here.
Use additional variables in Runbooks for more customization
We're always looking to make Runbooks more valuable. This month, we have made additional variables available in runbooks.
gives you the last note that was posted to the incidentincident.report_id
gives you the id of the retrospective that is created so you can link to our generated pdf from any runbook step that takes template variables
Some content to catch up on

A fresh look and feel, throwing out the term 'post-mortem', and events events events.
We've finally been able to unveil our updated website (you're on it!) - it now has a fresh new look and feel. On this new site, we want to share some great content such as a Resource Center with blog posts (see our latest post about throwing out the term post-mortem), how-to's, case studies, and more. Check out the site and read about the brand updates here.
We're also expanding our events program! This past month we spoke at Hashitalks, Developer Week, and Conf42: Chaos Engineering. Check out our Events page to find where we'll be next.
If you missed our previous updates, check out our Product Releases page.
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