New Releases: SSO, Post Mortem Generator

Our latest product releases: SSO, Post Mortem Generator. Today we're happy to announce our single sign-on support and updates to our postmortem functionality.

Robert Rossprofile image

By Robert Ross on 5/1/2019

Today we're happy to announce our single sign-on support and updates to our postmortem functionality.

Single Sign-On Is Available

SSO Available

If you are using an SSO provider, you might be happy to hear we now support logging in with it! We have so many post-it notes with our passwords scattered around our office we had a fire hazard (forced pun intended).

It's easy to get started with it (we promise), just head to our Wiki to learn how!

Generate Postmortem PDFs

Post-Mortem Report

Along with moving postmortems into a single view (who likes multiple steps?), we're also happy to announce postmortems can now generate a PDF of your report! Not only that, users that participated in the report will also receive a shiny new email informing them about the published report too.


If you missed our previous updates, check out our Product Releases page.

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