October 23, 2023

Updated Retro PDFs, Milestone Table in Retros, and More

Updated Retro PDF

One of the most common outcomes of a retrospective is to share data, learnings, and next steps with stakehodlers across the team. One of the easiest ways to share that information quickly is to turn your retro in a PDF. And today, we're excited to share a new and improved Retrospective PDF export which better organizes information for your readers and includes the important data that they need.

Milestone Table in Retrospectives

One of the primary advantages of using an incident management tool is to reduce the toil involved with building a timeline of activity in an incident. And while FireHydrant provides a robust set of tools to help you understand the timeline of your incident, today we're adding another tool to help you and your team make sense of what's happened in an incident: a table of all the milestones in an incident with the ability to show time duration either from the start of an incident or between milestones.

Time Since Note or Update

One of the more heavily used runbook step conditions is the "Time Since Last Note." This allows teams to setup automations and reminders to have team members provide updates about the incident. We have updated this condition to now take into account any updates that have been provided, including posts from /fh post and /fh update. With some upcoming releases, we'll also be simplifying these commands to consolidate on a single update-style command and modal experience. In preparation of that change, any text updates will now meet the "Time Since Last Note" condition. If you have specific workflows that depend on only having Notes update the condition, reach out to our team about being opted-out of the change.

Bugs and Fixes

  • We fixed a bug with Zoom authentication causing issues with runbook step execution.
  • We fixed a bug with sharing retrospectives across organizations in a multi-organization setup.
  • We fixed a bug with subscriptions on new Status Pages

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