August 8, 2022

Onboarding Updates and Usability Improvements

Onboarding Updates

  • We’ve all experienced the frustration of opening a new app or one we haven’t used recently, and not knowing where to start. To help improve onboarding for new and infrequent FireHydrant users, we’ve added an overview video, module descriptions, and links to knowledgebase articles.

Display the last update to specific status pages

  • We will now display the last posted update to a status page incident on the Status Page tab in our updated command center. This should allow your incident communicator to quickly assess when the last update went out and what the contents of that update were. Keep your eyes open for more communication related improvements over the coming weeks.

Role assignment details in Slack

  • We now include specific roles that people are assigned in the status message for an incident. Get up to speed with who is doing what right when joining an incident channel.

New Contextual Menu for Functionalities and Services

  • Users can now select from a list of actions for any functionality in their functionalities table to make a change. No need to open a detail page individually to edit it or navigate to an incident and edit it to include a functionality.

Functionalities endpoint performance improvements

  • Our functionalities endpoint has been slimmed down with the lite param and the removal of N+1 queries. This makes the endpoint usable by companies with more robust data loads. For example, one large organization's requests were reduced in time from >40s to just 1.4s!

Link directly to the service attribute you want to change

  • When clicking on a link to change an aspect of a service, you are directed to that point in the service form. Previously, a user would land at the top of a long form, then search for the input they wanted to change.

Redirect sends users to the top of a page

  • Previously, after completing a form and loading the next page, users arrived at the new page, scrolled down somewhere near the bottom. Really odd and confusing.

Tooltips on Services and Functionalities index tables

  • Make life a little easier by adding a brief explanation of some of our column headings. Unobtrusive, but there if you need it.

Helper text in services and functionality forms

  • Similar to our table tooltips, we’re offering some support while filling out the forms with some descriptive help text for tier, owner and responding teams inputs.

Bugs and Fixes

  • Bug: Starred events in the new command center will update in real time as they are starred in Slack, no page refresh required.
  • API Addition: The ticketing endpoint will now return timestamp data.

See FireHydrant in action

See how our end-to-end incident management platform can help your team respond to incidents faster and more effectively.

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