January 24, 2022

New Year, New Features

Feature - Users now more easily edit updates to status pages in the FH UI. Feature - Terraform Provider v0.1.4 released Feature - Enabled extra validation to prevent duplicate service names on creation Feature - Added additional access controls for private incidents Feature - Improved design for /fh help in Slack incident channels Feature - New Integration Links section has been added to Services to easily link and update alerting integrations to services. To test this out: 1. Select a service from the Service Overview page 2. Click 'Edit details' 3. Scroll down to the section titled 'Integration links' Integrations Links FireHydrant

Bug - Fixed ‘/fh page service’ command so that hyperlinks go to direct service and not overall Service Catalog. Bug - When configuring runbook steps, the help icon now directs users to the correct documentation. Bug - Fixed [runbook condition, "time since last incident note added"](https://support.firehydrant.io/hc/en-us/articles/360061144571-Communicating-with-teams-using-Runbook-steps "runbook condition, "time since last incident note added"") so that it only fires with the Slack command /fh add note, and not with /fh add update. Bug - Fixed liquid formatting template variable issue with the Email Notification Runbook Step Bug - Fixed Slack bug for VictorOps alerts that caused alerts to not go to their intended channel Bug - Fixed bug that prevented incident milestone times from updating Bug - Fixed Slack /fh link command bug that prevented role assignment Bug - Fixed bug that prevented auto-assigning of a linked user in Slack Bug - Fixed UI padding and spacing issues on Retrospective Configuration page in FH web. Bug - In the FireHydrant UI, addressed inconsistent experience that occurred when trying to assign a Team on the Overview page and none of the team members were assigned default roles. There are also clearer error messages calling out potential issues in this area. Bug - Fixed bug that allowed users to create runbooks with the same name Bug - Fixed incorrect error that occurred when using filter "retrospective completed" on the Incidents page in FH web Bug - Fixed bug that caused an incident status page to be blank Bug - Fixed bugs in weekly summary email related to labeling and filtering of email recipients

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