June 6, 2024

Linear Integration, Customizable Handoff Reminders, and Quality of Life Improvements

Linear Integration

Linear Integration

We're excited to announce our new Linear integration! They've built an exciting product for project management and it's been popularly requested from us as an integration.

With the Linear integration, you can create incident tickets via a Runbook step as well as create follow-up tickets in any Team/project of your choice!

Linear, like our other ticketing integrations, is bi-directional - changes in status of the FireHydrant incident or Follow-up will automatically change the linked ticket's status in Linear and vice-versa.

Any Follow-up Linear tickets will automatically be set as sub-issues of the Incident ticket.

To learn more about the Linear integration, check out the documentation

Customize Handoff Reminders

Handoff Reminders

Previously, the default behavior was to notify users 24 hours before the start/end of a shift and then immediately when the shift begins/ends.

Now, you have the ability to customize this in your user settings. On top of changing the time frames of when you are notified about upcoming/ending shifts, you can also choose where you'd like to be notified (Slack vs. email). Take a look at your Profile page and check it out!

Oodles of Quality of Life Improvements

QOL Improvements in Web Interface

We've added numerous quality of life improvements for various different tasks within FireHydrant:

  • You can now sort the Incidents page by Date Created, Severity, and Priority. You'll find the "Sort by" dropdown on the Incidents page just below "+ Add Filter." More parameters for sorting, including duration of incident, are still in-progress
  • We've added additional filters to the Settings > Users page to filter users by their (access) roles, whether they have private incident access, and their status (enabled/disabled). These new filters join our existing filters to show users with and without notifications configured
  • On the Signals > Alerts page, you can now bulk resolve alerts. You'll see checkboxes available on the page so you can check all alerts or some alerts and then a bulk actions dropdown will show
  • In line with our other re-ordering capabilities, you can now reorder your Priorities. Any changes in this ordering will be respected everywhere you may see the priority dropdown
  • We've added the ability for you to search incidents according to roles existing on the incident and who was assigned to said role. Can't remember that one incident where Jimothy was the Commander? Now you don't have to - just filter on Jimothy = Commander using our filter dropdowns

We hope to continue cranking away on little things that make FireHydrant easier and better to use!

Other Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • 💅 We've added Incident Impacted Infrastructure as a selectable condition in Jira custom field mapping. Now, you can map different fields to Jira based on which of your Services and components are impacted in FireHydrant
  • 💅 For Jira Server (On-Premise), we've added the capability to map custom fields that are linked to Jira Assets - some customers are using Jira Assets as a Service Catalog so mapping these fields on tickets helps streamline their analytics and automation
  • 💅 When declaring an incident and updating impacted components, we will make severity recommendations if the selected component has an entry in your severity matrix. This will work in Slack, MS Teams, and the web interface
  • 💅 You now have the ability to upload different types of files to the FireHydrant timeline, including PDFs, Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint files, RTF, CSV, and ZIP files
  • 💅 We've added international Voice support for Greece (+30). Remember to download the updated virtual contact card here.
  • 💅 On the Incidents and Impact page, we've adjusted the Incidents by Severity chart to display the severities in order of severity. Previously they were inconsistent
  • 💅 Non-licensed Microsoft Teams users will now be able to execute basic commands like seeing who's on call, service information, and of course, declaring incidents. Owners and Members will need to first set an API token for the bot to assume for non-authenticated users. Browse the documentation here
  • 💅 Our Microsoft Teams integration now restricts Viewers from performing any actions other than viewing incidents and information like services and who's on call, similar to unlicensed users
  • 💅 Previously, we only had a Runbook step for creating incident Jira tickets and Follow-ups were created manually, but we received feedback that there were consistent Jira tickets users wanted to create each time (e.g., a separate ticket to track RCA completion). So there's now a new Runbook step "Create a Follow-up Jira Cloud issue" to meet your needs
  • 💅 We've added our Status update templates as Terraform resources so you can now manage your templated status messages as code
  • 🐛 We fixed an issue where Jira Alert Routing was unintentionally changing the original ticket's type or creating additional tickets after an incident is started
  • 🐛 We fixed a bug where tagged user group handles weren't replicating properly into the FireHydrant timeline's messages
  • 🐛 There was a bug where messages mentioning users in Slack were showing up as numbers instead of their names in the FireHydrant timeline. This has been addressed
  • 🐛 After adding a Functionality with responding teams to an incident, users were still receiving suggested resource messages in Slack even if these types of notifications were silenced. This has been fixed
  • 🐛 We addressed some typos and mis-formatted documentation in our Terraform docs for Signals Escalation Policies
  • 🐛 We fixed an issue where automatically adding teams whose services were impacted on incidents didn't work if the team only had one user
  • 🐛 There was an issue where existing related incidents were removed when attempting to add more related incidents to an ongoing one which has been fixed
  • 🐛 We addressed a bug where changing the phone number while it was added but unverified would not update to the new number and instead ping the old one

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