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Automate user provisioning with SCIM

Using FireHydrant's newest SCIM 2.0 protocol you can now easily add and delete users with set role permissions and update groups.

Max Tilkaprofile image

By Max Tilka on 8/16/2022

System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) ensures the highest level of security for managing user identity and provisioning. SCIM will allow for user onboarding automation with maintaining user roles and access across any team or company size.

Many of our customers use an identity provider to provision new users to our app via SAML & SSO. We are further streamlining this user provisioning by integrating with SCIM 2.0 protocol.

What can you provision with SCIM?

The following actions can be configured with FireHydrant's SCIM:

  • Add/Deactivate users: All users can easily be added to FireHydrant with their correct roles and permissions. This includes the teams or groups they belong to.
  • Update users: Changing user access in your identity provider automatically persists into FireHydrant to maintain the most updated roles and access for all users.
  • Create/Deactivate Groups: User groups can be pushed from your provider and assigned to match teams in FireHydrant.

With the above you can automatically create users, their roles, and update teams in one action. In addition, all users and groups can be queried to see complete lists.

Getting started

To help get started with using SCIM make sure your identity provider is compatible with SCIM 2.0. Then be sure to take a look at our SCIM support documentation for configuration.

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