Announcing FyreHydrant Festival and the 2021 Line-up

Announcing the first annual FyreHydrant Festival and the 2021 line-up

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By Megan Moore on 4/1/2021

Java Rule, Panic! at the Database, and Billie Reliable-ish to Headline on Incident Island in April


NEW YORK--RELIABILITY TIMES--(April 1, 2021) – A new festival that combines the desert carnival vibe of Redundancyman with the doingness of Dickerson's Hierarchy of Service Reliability is about to get underway! Recruiting a bevy of influencers and on-call engineers, the first annual FyreHydrant Festival promises to synergize April 2021 with a deep dive into the waters that will extinguish the fyre of a lifetime.

The FyreHydrant Festival will take place on Incident Island on April 1st. The festival boasts a lineup of much-anticipated performers, including headliners Java Rule, Panic! at the Database, and Billie Reliablish. Queens of the Out Age, My Chemical Rotation, and Runbook DMC, among others, will appear on the backup stage.

When asked for comment, organizers said: “Obviously we think our lineup now is pretty awesome, but the incident management experience is what we're really packaging here. What if we re-engineered what it means to plan for future capacity support rescue automation in the face of graceful degradation?”

“The biggest rescue-driven exploration to ever grok reliability.”

One influencer raved: “The viral marketing campaign pulled me in, but the promise of a site-changing reliability event hooked me. No pivot has ever been so pivotal.” For more festival information, visit Passes are available while supplies last. 

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